Saturday, April 25, 2009

"Take Your Child to Work Day"

Hey blog viewers. Brianna and I had so much fun at my aunts job the other day. We learned so much stuff, and I learned I HATE fileing!! haha my hands hurt so bad! I only did it for like half an hour thought. I posted pics at the bottom : )
Last Night my friend Shannon( Shan Shan ) slept over.OMG We had so much fun! lol I love hanging out with her cuz everytime we are together we are ALWAYS laughing and just hanving fun : ) Its a long story but yesterday we almost killed someone!! hahah jk! We were really mad though
Hope everyone is having a good weekend
blog soon
<3 lauren

This is all the papers I hole punched and put in a file

Heres Brianna at someone's desk. She thought she was all professtional hahaha

Btw I didnt mention, my aunt works at the Sahara Hotel. They have their own paper clips, so I wanted to get a pic of it lol

Brianna making a copy

me on the computer

Me at my aunt desk. She is a manager btw : )

bri at my aunts desk

brianna may be smiling but she didnt like it either lol

These are the desks of all the people who work for my aunt

Here brianna is at my aunts boss's desk. her name is Nicole and i mention her in other post. we are closewith her : )

me and bri


Lauren said...

it was sooo fun!!!!

Valentina ♥♥♥ said...

Hey hey!!!! Sounds like you had a ton of fun!!! I went to work with my dad I and I had to do a ton of filing and it was so tiring!!! I did it for like ever because he had so many stinking papers to file!!! But, it was still fun!!! Tell Bri I said Hi!!!
